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Unique Urban Delivers Urban Design Study. High Density Affordable Housing Development, Fairfield NSW

Unique Urban recently completed an urban design study for an affordable housing project located in Fairfield. The affordable housing project in Fairfield is an important development for the local community, providing much needed housing options for residents. This project also responds to the NSW’s Governments focus on improved housing affordability and increased supply. Unique Urban undertook the following as part of the urban design study:

  • Review of planning controls;

  • Review of overarching strategic documents;

  • Review of proposed built form and general advice;

  • Building massing study to test potential height and FSR options in the context of approved or proposed future developments; and

  • General recommendations to guide the development proposal

Spotlight on massing studies/3D models

An urban design massing study (which utilises a 3D model) is an assessment of the physical form and scale of buildings within an urban area. It is a crucial tool for urban planners, and developers to determine the potential impact of new or proposed buildings on the surrounding environment. The study takes into account the height, footprint, and overall shape of the building, as well as its relationship to neighbouring structures, streetscapes and open spaces.

The importance of urban design massing studies lies in their ability to help create liveable and sustainable urban environments. By analysing the impact of a new building on its surroundings, planners and developers can make informed decisions about design, density, and land use. This can lead to a more cohesive and harmonious urban fabric, where buildings are thoughtfully integrated into the existing built environment. Massing studies can help ensure that new development does not block important views, overshadow public spaces, or create undue wind or sunlight impacts.

Unique Urban completed a massing study for this affordable housing development in Fairfield, testing the height and scale of the building in the context of the street and surrounding developments (existing and proposed). It is a crucial step in ensuring the development aligns with the vision and goals of the community, while also meeting the affordable housing needs of future occupants.


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